Gulf Coast Lawyer Drafts Thorough Premarital Agreements

Tampa firm helps clients protect their legal and financial rights

Establishing a fair premarital agreement gives engaged couples the security of knowing how important financial matters will be handled if their marriage does not work out. While preparing for divorce before you are even married can be difficult to consider, a prenuptial agreement prepared with the assistance of an experienced family lawyer can help you avoid problems while protecting your rights. Located in Tampa, the Palma Family Law, P.A. helps prospective husbands and wives create clear, authoritative prenuptial agreements. By communicating in an honest, positive manner about each spouse’s rights and obligations, you can avoid unpleasant surprises later.

Skillful Florida attorney prepares and negotiates prenuptial documents

Our firm takes a detailed look at your situation and works diligently to reach consensus on existing assets, benefits and alimony in case a divorce occurs. A carefully crafted premarital agreement can help you:

  • Protect your assets — Though it might seem easy to distinguish between assets that were acquired before and after the marriage, many divorcing couples realize too late that the situation is more complicated than they thought. A thorough prenuptial agreement can place a value on items such as retirement accounts, home equity, and business holdings so that parties are able to preserve their existing financial holdings.
  • Avoid costly litigation — Divorce is stressful enough without spending extra time and money fighting about property distribution and alimony. Our firm develops agreements to serve as insurance policies that limit the cost and aggravation associated with ending a marriage.
  • Understand your options — Too often, people stay in a failing marriage because they are worried about financial issues or unsure how a divorce will affect them. By creating a clear premarital agreement, husbands and wives have the knowledge they need to make informed decisions.

We work closely with our clients to achieve an equitable agreement. Even if you never need to enforce a prenuptial agreement, having a clear agreement will serve you well.

Contact an experienced Tampa lawyer for assistance with a premarital agreement

The Palma Family Law, P.A. advises Florida clients on the preparation, negotiation and enforcement of premarital agreements. Please call 813-693-5158 or contact us online to schedule a meeting at our Tampa office.

Contact the Palma Family Law, P.A.

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Palma Family Law, P.A.


610 W Horatio St,
Suite 5,
Tampa, Florida 33606

