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Divorce is stressful enough without suspecting that your spouse is being deceptive by attempting to hide marital assets. Read More

Tips for a Successful Deposition

A deposition involves a party or witness to a case answering questions under oath in a legal setting outside of court. Here are some tips if you have an upcoming Read More

How to Handle Mother's Day as a Divorced Father

Celebrating special holidays after divorce is new territory for most parents and their children. It can be especially challenging if the divorce was high conflict and there is minimal, if Read More

How to Co-parent during the Holidays

Co-parenting during the holidays can be challenging, but it’s important to prioritize your child’s well-being. Here are some tips: 1. Plan in Advance: Communicate with your co-parent well ahead of the holidays Read More

How Does Financial Abuse Take Form Within a Marriage?

There are various types of abuse in relationships. One we see often during the divorce process is financial abuse. Financial abuse in a relationship can take various forms, including: 1. Controlling the Read More

How to Tell the Children About Your Intention to Divorce

When communicating your intention to divorce to your children, it’s essential to approach the conversation with sensitivity and care. Here are some tips to help you through this difficult process: 1. Read More

Recent Changes to Florida Alimony Laws – Permanent Alimony is Eliminated

The changes to the Florida Alimony Statute took effect on July 1, 2023 for all initial petitions for dissolution of marriage or support unconnected with dissolution of marriage pending or Read More

The Stages of Filing for Divorce

In Florida, the stages of divorce typically involve the following steps: 1. Filing a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage: One spouse initiates the divorce process by filing a Petition for Dissolution of Read More

Types of Alimony

In Florida, there are several types of alimony that may be awarded in divorce cases. The specific type of alimony depends the facts of the case and on various factors, Read More

How To Litigate Your Divorce Against A Narcissist

Litigating against a narcissist can present unique challenges. Here are a few suggestions to consider when divorcing and litigating against a narcissist: 1. Gather evidence: Compile documentation, records, emails, texts, and Read More

How to Navigate Your Divorce

Divorce can be a challenging and emotional process. Here are a few tips to consider to prepare for Divorce: 1. Seek professional help: Consulting with an experienced divorce attorney can provide Read More

5 Tips for Surviving the Holidays Without Your Kids

The holidays can be a wonderful time for families, but for others, it can be the most stressful time of the year. Specifically, if you are spending your first holiday Read More

3 Ways Practicing Yoga Increases Self-Care during Divorce (An Attorney’s Perspective)

The process of divorce can be emotionally draining and traumatic. Divorce can increase stress, irritation, lead to a short-temper and even depression. As an attorney who has been practicing law Read More

How To Deal With A Narcissist Spouse Within Divorce?

A narcissist is a mental personality disorder in which a person has a lack of empathy for others and has a deep need of admiration and self importance. Narcissism may Read More

Increases in Domestic Violence During COVID-19

As many family law attorneys have discovered in recent months, the allegations and incidents of domestic violence have increased. New estimates from the United Nations Population Fund suggest that several Read More

What are Unbundled Legal Services and How Can They Be Utilized During a Family Law Matter?

When a lawyer provides unbundled legal services, the client retains the attorney to perform a specific task or for a limited purpose within the case instead of for the client’s Read More

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Palma Family Law, P.A.


610 W Horatio St,
Suite 5,
Tampa, Florida 33606

